Negro Slayer Negro Slayer is a series written by Samuel Fortunato and Matteo Sodano. This project does not intend to spread hate or racism, but its purpose is to see both of these themes in a different point of view. The plot follows the adventures of a citizen of the Democratic Republic of Congo during the Great African War, called in mission by God himself. The project, in its entirety, is completely serious and we want to emphasize that no aspect of the project itself aims to be seen as immature or, worse, humorous. There are, however, comedic segments in the series, especially along the first few chapters. Nevertheless, it should not be thought that the project relies on comedy alone. The chapters that have been published so far are nothing but a very small fraction of those in the works. At the time of writing this there are 305 chapters in total, of which only 30 of these have been published.
Negro Slayer is divided into two parts, the first one serves as an intro for what is to come, and consists of less developed elements when compared to the second one. The second part dictates the levels that the series can really boast to reach, bringing the saga to its peak. The first part consists of a total of 70 chapters, while the second one is still in development.
This website serves as a place to gather everything regarding the project, and we will constantly update the content in the future. There will be a new update for every volume, starting from the seventh, coming out in June 2022. Each update will introduce new elements, which can be either small or very important to the website.